06 August 2017
Stagecoach Bus Services on the Black Isle - Timetable Changes Proposed

Route 26 Draft Timetable from Stagecoach

Highland Council has awarded a contract to Stagecoach to enhance the bus service between Fortrose and Inverness to half hourly. This has been made possible using developer contributions from the new housing. Funding will only be available to support the contract for one year. It is hoped that after this the route will become commercially viable.

As a consequence of this contract award, Stagecoach has also decided to remove the North Kessock diversion from the Cromarty buses for most of the day (peak hour Cromarty buses will still divert into North Kessock) and instead provide a separate service for North Kessock.

Using developer contributions, the Stagecoach service between Fortrose and Inverness is proposed to be increased to half hourly for the next year - great news for many Knockbain residents.   The Cromarty route will not make a diversion every hour to North Kessock apart from at peak times, and instead a separate service will be provided between North Kessock and Inverness. Service times to and from NK are generally unchanged.

This might mean that direct access between NK and other Black Isle villages is more restricted. Does this affect you or anyone you know who uses this service?

Your community council can only represent local views if we know how the changes affect you - so please share this post to anyone who uses the service and let us know in the comments or by direct message whether you think these changes will make your journey better or worse.

You can see the DRAFT timetable for routes 26-28 via this link  Although this isn’t a consultation, the Community Council would like to her how this affects you so that we can respond accordingly.

Contact us here or through our Facebook page 


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