
Welcome to Knockbain Community Council. We are the statutory body serving Munlochy, North Kessock and the smaller communities between and around them on the Black Isle, just north of Inverness. You can see our location here

The role of our Community Council is to represent the issues and concerns of the local residents who live in the area, which could have a benefit to our communities.


NEW: Code of Conduct for members of the public attending KCC meetings to prevent embarrassing moments and unanswered questions here 


Opportunity Black Isle





Charity: North Kessock Ticket Office Project  SC045168

You may be aware that an interim 'Board of Trustees' was put in place at the AGM of the North Kessock Community Project on 17 March 2023, following the intervention of Highland Third Sector Interface.

The purpose of the current board is to examine the assets, liabilities & commitments of NKTOP and to write a report for the members so that there is absolute clarity as to the current position of NKTOP, thus allowing a new board to move forward with knowledge and in an open & honest manner with the membership and the wider community. A new board will hopefully be in place following an EGM in early autumn.

The bookings will operate as before but with a new self booking system 'North Kessock Community Hub'. 

Members will be kept up to date by email as and when appropriate.

The interim board are as follows:

John Stott (Chair); Jim Prentice (Secretary); Sylvia Bertram & Deborah Tuckwell (Joint Treasurers) & Ben Perry.

Should you wish to contact us, please use the following email address  enquiries@northkessockcommunityhub.org

Thank You.

Updated 9 August 2023


The tabs on the left of this page will help you naviagate to other sections for latest information and consultations including: 

- Community Action Plan - Our Place Standards Final Analysis Report

- A9 Active Travel Improvements - North Kessock here

- A9 Kessock to Tore case for change report here 

- A9 Kessock to Tore study - public consultation on options here 

- A9 North Kessock to Tore - Publication of public consultation report here

- Highland Council consultation on the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan

Our Calendar page includes dates of meetings and details of other events within the community.

If you would like to send us anything to be included in our forthcoming meetings please send it via the "Contact Us" tab on the left. 


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