Coronavirus / COVID-19 - Information and Advice
Current Advice and Information:
Protect yourself and others:
- stay safe
- wear a mask if you can in shops, on public transport and in other enclosed public spaces
- stay 2 metres (6 feet) away from other people
- wash your hands regularly
- wash your hands as soon as you get home
Health Information
Health information can be found at NHSInform at the following link:
Our mental healh is also importnat in these uncertain and worrying times. Clear Your Head - the new Scottish Government website with hints & tips to help you during uncertain times
Scottish Government Guidance and Support
The advice provided by the Government will change as the situation evolves. The latest guidance from the Scottish Government, including comprehensive guidance on all the help available, can be found at the following link:
Regular news updates are also available on the BBC website and in the local press
The Scottish Government routemap for how we will move out of lockdown is available as a download here
Full details are available on the Scottish Government website
Highland Council Helpline
The Highland Council has launched a free helpline to give assistance to, and collect details of individuals and community groups looking to provide volunteering support during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The generic number is 0300 303 1362 and will connect you to the relevant Council specialist teams. This will operate Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm with all calls coming with no charge.
British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the Helpline using ContactSCOTLAND-BSL
You will be able to get advice on benefits and personal support, education and social care and there will also be advice for businesses who may need help with financial support. Helpline staff will also be signposting callers to other organisations that can provide help and assistance as well as gathering offers from individuals or community groups wishing to volunteer.
Help and Support in the Knockbain Community Council area:
There are many things going on in the community to help those who have had a sudden loss of income or who are struggling as a result of Covid19. We commend those who are quietly getting on with this. But if you are having to self-isolate and need help, such as someone to get shopping, medicine and other essentials, please contact us, we will put you in touch with local services or find a local volunteer to make contact with you and help in any way they can.
In the Munlochy area help is being co-ordinated by the Community Council
assisted by some local volunteers. We can supply emergency food parcels to anyone in this situation, whether single, couples or families, and then refer onto Highland Council Hub to ensure that a regular supply continues. We understand entirely that asking for help can be difficult but we assure you that we will not compromise your confidentiality. Please contact either: John Stott 0780 135 6485 or Serena Ferguson 07710 617472 or email Donations of non-perishable goods can be dropped off at the Munlochy shop.
in the North Kessock area, volunteers are being co-ordinated for Kessock Kindness through the Residents Association of North Kessock (RANK). Neighbourhood volunteers can provide help with picking up shopping, posting mail, urgent supplies or even a friendly phone call. Around 25 zones are no wset up, with a couple still to be covered. Kilmuir also has its won Whatsapp group. Regular online coffee mornings open to all residents are held each week, and befriender training is being organised for the wider area. Anyone who would like to offer or receive help can register through a short survey here. For other updates and news see the RANK facebook page for more information, or call the helpline on 01463 898128
Government funded emergency food hampers are being held by the Red Cross Inverness, for anyone in urgent need.
Transition Black Isle have a directory of local suppliers and businesses who are working hard to helping the community through collections, safe shgopping or home deliveries. Details are available at their Our Local Larder website.
The network organisation for the third sector, HTSI has launched a website and helpline to support Highland communities in dealing with COVID-19. The website is a resource for all community groups and charities in the Highlands. It includes a Community Response Register. Volunteers to local groups and organisations can also register on this site. The Helpline is 0300 303 1362
Keeping in Touch
We may be socially isolated but keepimg connected is hugely importants for our mental wellbeing. You can find a wealth of help and information on how to use various Video Conferencing software/tools to keep in touch with your friends and family. Our neighbours at Ferintosh Community Council have put a great one-stop page together with all the essential information here. Thanks Ferintosh!
Outdoor Exercise and Access
Both the UK and Scottish government guidelines allow for daily outdoor exercise during lockdown. This is because getting outside and keeping moving has been proved to have enormous benefits for both our physical and mental health. This is a great time to explore that open areas around our area and enjoy the nature on our doorstep.
We are very lucky in Scotland to have unique freedoms of acces rights to the land around us. But please remember social distancing guidelines still apply. Be aware of riural businesses and livelihoods and observe a the code of responsible access attitude when out to get your daily exercise. SNH have a comprehensive guide on what is responsible access and what is not responsible. You can find it on their website at