Greetings Friends and Members!
As we speed towards the busy season ahead, it is a good time to reflect on our hopes, concerns and ideas for what could work better in the Black Isle.
Earlier this month we launched our draft Tourism Strategy and three month consultation period. Over 35 local community and business representatives joined us for a walk in Culbokie Woods followed by a soup and sandwich lunch in the Culbokie Inn.
It was a positive start and we managed to secure some good coverage in the local press. HOWEVER... this consultation needs feedback from across the Black Isle. So we ask of you, four things:
1. Check out our new strategy
Key objectives include better communication – both for visitors and the different communities in the Black Isle, greater accessibility – improved physical access to sites, more public transport, and a year-round calendar of events and activities.
Click here to read the strategy.
2. Send us your feedback
As part of the consultation for our Tourism Strategy we are interested in views from stakeholders living and working in the Black Isle, whether they regard themselves directly involved in tourism or not.
The strategy makes the point that tourism is integral to the local economy and is only successful when residents also benefit – from improved infrastructure, more flexible housing stock and better services.
It's vital we hear from you to find out if our strategy has your support. Click here to fill out the feedback form and email it back.
3. Have conversations about us
We want as many people as possible to know about the Black Isle Tourism Team, our strategy and what we are trying to do. So please remember to point people who might be interested in our direction and get them to join our mailing list.
4. Become a member
It is our hope to secure funding to carry out the objectives within the strategy. The more members we have the more weight we carry to be able to move things forward, not least as some of our funding currently matches the membership subscription fees we get. More information about us and how to join can be found at
Activity is currently coordinated by a steering group of local volunteers. We really want to employ a destination officer once more to help us implement the strategy. Support from our members is invaluable in working towards these objectives so please do get in touch with any feedback, ideas, offers of help or if you are interested in joining us. Email