The response to the request for donations has been wonderful, and about £1000 has been raised so far, with more still coming in.
Thank you very much to all the donors. I would love to name you all here, but can't because of privacy laws, however each and every one will receive a personal thank you letter.I think, though, that I can say that The Residents Association is intending to contribute a picnic bench, possibly made by The Black Isle Men's Shed.
The Village Hall Committee has offered free hall time for a fund-raiser, which Peggy Rose of the Scottish Country Dancers is organising in the afternoon of Saturday 23rd November. Thank you Peggy. It is very good of you.And NKTOP have graciously offered a donation of £150 towards upkeep.Thank you to all these organisations for making it a real village-wide effort.
So what now?
Well, the Community Council has now ordered the three seats, and when they arrive, I will store them until I can gather men (and women) and materials to fit them. I have had offers of help, but could use a few more bodies. PLEASE EMAIL ME if you would like to help.
The fence is still waiting to see if money from the Ward Discretionary Fund is available.The Community Council has been in discussion with a local contractor regarding the path.And the wild flower strip should wait till next year, and will, I hope be a real community effort.
I am an impatient man (at my age, you have to be!) and would like to see it all done yesterday. After all, it's for the kids (and the mums and dads, and the seniors, and....well, really for everyone). Luckily, the Community Council has level heads which rein me in.
Anyway, if you would still like to contribute to the fund, it would be really appreciated.
The seats are now paid for, and the rest of the money will be needed for unexpected extras, to go towards the fence and the path, and help with any other improvements which might be worthwhile, and make a nicer park.
You can send a donation direct to the Community Council by bank transfer -
Bank of Scotland. sort code. 80:91:26 Acc. No. 00499552
Make the referrence GP and your name So we can thank you.
Or, you could put an envelope with your name and donation through my door, and I will pass it on to the Community Council.
Listen, thanks to all of you for being interested and helping.
More to come.
Joe Lindsay
Main Street
01463 731 577