The Highland Council have launched a free helpline to give assistance to, and collect details of individuals and community groups looking to provide volunteering support during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The generic number is 0300 303 1362 and will connect you to the relevant Council specialist teams. This will operate Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm with all calls coming with no charge.
British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the Helpline using ContactSCOTLAND-BSL
You will be able to get advice on benefits and personal support, education and social care and there will also be advice for businesses who may need help with financial support. Helpline staff will also be signposting callers to other organisations that can provide help and assistance as well as gathering offers from individuals or community groups wishing to volunteer.
The new helpline is just one of several proactive actions we are taking. Work to set up a number of Humanitarian Assistance Centres across the Highlands is underway.
The council also continuie to co-ordinate all offers of community group support, while the Highland's third sector is co-ordinating individual offers of support. There will be close joint working to maximise the valuable offers of support from community groups and individuals.
For more information and advice, visit the COVID-19 homepage.