As part of the ongoing discussion on the Redesign of Highland Council, community groups, community bodies and development trusts were invited to join the HTSI, Highland Council and a number of other public sector agencies to discuss and consider the developing role and support needs of communities now and into the future at a public event in Inverness on 11th November. The session was chaierd by Cllr Isobel McCallum, as a chance to influence and the shape of community support services in the coming years within the Highlands. Helen Barton and Sylvia Bertram attended for Knockbain Community Council. Community and Voluntary Sector groups from right accross the Highlands came together to talk about what community control and delivery of services might look like, and the structures and support that woudl need to be in place.
An event report will be available soon and will be posted as a link here as soon as we receive it. Meanwhile, more information about the tasks and work of the Redesign Board are available from the Highland Council website HERE