Please see letter below from Chair of the Black Isle swiming pool appeal, Roy Sinclair. If you think you can help or know anyone who may be interested please contact Roy at the email address below.
Last Chance of the Dream of a Swimming Pool for the Black Isle
Dear Secretary/Chairperson/Local Councillor and Official and all other potentially interested parties and organisations
It is with the greatest regret that I, as chairman of the Black Isle Swimming Pool Foundation (BISPF), have to advise the Black Isle public that the remaining, surviving members of BISPF are no longer able, due to illness and older age, to continue to oversee the potential development of the objects for which the Foundation was formed. Accordingly, I call upon the folk within the Black Isle and those keen on swimming for health and recreational benefits to grasp the nettle and take this important project forward.
The remaining members of the BISPF are now faced with two options, one of which is to wind up the Foundation, whose directors and supporters, despite many setbacks, have striven long and hard over many years since the formation of the original, informal, Swimming Pool group and then BISPF itself, to try to achieve the dream of a swimming pool on the Black Isle. The other option is to carry on to try to attract the necessary funding package to enable the pool to become a reality.
Unfortunately, for the above stated reasons, the membership of the Foundation has now reduced to fewer than three, two of whom are directors with one of them due to retire and leave the area to move south.
Winding up the BISPF is having to be given serious consideration. The option to continue could still be viable but would require an early recruitment of new and committed people prepared to join the Foundation and become directors to investigate positively and continue the quest to create the pool project.
The question now arising has to be: Is there a determined and willing group of individuals prepared to take on the challenge and responsibility of keeping the pool project alive?
It is now over to the folk of the Black Isle to volunteer to carry this important project forward.
Please send your responses directly to me.
Kind regards,
Roy R Sinclair
Chairman, Black Isle Swimming Pool Foundation