Please take a minute to complete this short survey to help us map out vulnerable groups in our Black Isle communities.
Interim results from the survey (to January) are available here. As you can see we need a lot more responses from Knockbain area to get a meaningful picture.
The survey follows on from discussions all the Community Councils on the Black Isle have been having with the Choose Life group hosetd by Fortrose Academy.
We met together at the end of 2018 and again last month to discuss what causes loneliness in our communities, and to look at what we can do together to challenge stigme, raise awareness of mental health issues and to map the community initiatives and assets already in pace across the Black Isle that can have a positive impact on people's lives. The survey and mapping expercise will help the working group to identify the gaps and improve resuilience and wellbeing for everybody in our commuities in the future.
The Choose Life working group is made up of a variety of agencies including Police, Highland Council, NHS Highland, the Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership as well as a number of third sector agencies including HUG/Advocacy Highland/Support in Mind. Their key objectives are to reduce suicidal behaviour in high risk groups, and provide support to people affected by suicide and providing education and training.
Police Scotland and our Community Partners in Highland are encouraging communities to provide support for people who need it after taking part in an informal "Community Conversation Café" event at Fortrose Academy in June 7 2018. The event was very well attended with people from all across the Black Isle and beyond dropping in to chat.
A report from the event can be found here.
Inspector Judy Hill said: "This event is about giving people in the Black Isle community the space to come together and start conversations about their personal wellbeing and the wellbeing of those within their communities.
"We want to look at all that is good about the Black Isle and show that the communities themselves have so much to offer in terms of being able to support wellbeing and build a resilient community.
"There are individuals in our communities now who need support. That support can come in many forms but ultimately it starts with a conversation, a simple 'Are you ok?' can make a huge difference to someone who is struggling.
"We want to set communities on the path to wellness by building on existing strengths and networks."
Knockbain Community Council are pleased to support this initiative, and the Prevent Suicide Highland Ap for mobile phones.Prevent Suicide - Highland App includes a section which helps you to help others - what to say, who can help etc.
It gives help to those who experience suicidal thoughts and also for those who support others who feel suicidal - available at…/prevent-suicide-hi…/id1436026798… or…
Or download suing the QR codes below